About EAP Courses
EAP Courses is a website dedicated to bringing high-quality online learning to students of English for Academic Purposes (EAP). The courses cover all areas of academic English study, and employ a variety of interactive learning techniques, including videos, podcasts, worksheets and quizzes. All courses on the website have clear learning outcomes, so students will know exactly what they are learning and why. By logging in students can access their personal dashboard and view courses they have taken or are still taking, view their scores on tests and quizzes, or plan out future courses.
Principal Contributor
Sheldon Smith

Sheldon has been teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP) since 2002, working in the UK, Indonesia and China. Since 2005 he has been working on pathway programmes which prepare EFL students for university study at Western universities, chiefly in the USA, UK and Australia, including the NCUK International Foundation Year (IFY) programme. He is the author of the EAP Foundation series of text books for academic English, text books for Chinese language learning, as well as several novels. He is the founder and chief developer of the EAPFoundation.com website. He currently resides in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China.